Toy DriveToy Drive Toy DriveToy DriveToy Drivetoy drive

Our annual toy giveaway will be held at the Santa Claus the weekend after the race.

After sav­ing the largest Santa Claus in the world, and build­ing a small theme park around him, we started giv­ing away toys to under­priv­i­leged kids. This annual event, tak­ing place one week before Christ­mas, now presents gifts to more than three thou­sand kids who might oth­er­wise not receive any­thing for Christ­mas. Over the years, we have given away tens of thou­sands of toys and gifts.

We now part­ner with the Oxnard Police Dept., Ventura County Sher­iffs Dept., Cal­i­for­nia High­way Patrol, Ventura County Probation, Oxnard Fire Dept. and Ven­tura County Fire Dept. These offi­cers are on the front line, rain or shine, hand­ing out the toys, and build­ing strong rela­tion­ships with our youth.

A Santa to the Sea Tradition

Each year, the entire street in front of the Santa is closed to allow the kids to line up and celebrate our special gift giving bonanza. Handing out these gifts is a smiling peace officer from city or county ranks, as well as our Firefighters. Additionally, each child gets a raffle ticket. After all the gifts are given, we raffle off several grand prizes, such as bikes, cameras, Wii games etc. to make this even more of a special day for our kids.

Bring A Gift

All runners are asked to bring an UNWRAPPED toy or gift of at least $20 in value to the event. Toys can be dropped off during Packet Pick Up at Marine Emporium OR see below for start line drop off. 

Half  Marathon­ers: Please bring an unwrapped toy or gift of at least $20 to Saturday’s Packet Pick Up or Sunday’s Start Line in front of the giant Santa Statue.

Quarter Marathon Runners: Please bring an unwrapped toy or gift of at least $20 to Saturday’s Packet Pick Up or Sunday’s Start Line at Plaza Park.

5K and 1K Kids Fun Run­ners: Please bring an unwrapped toy or gift of at least $20 to Saturday’s Packet Pick Up or Sunday’s Start Line at the Marine Emporium/EXPO area.

Thank you, for help­ing our kids have a great Christmas. -Mike Bar­ber

What Kind of Toy/Gift to Bring: In addition to toys, we have many infants (ages 0–6 months) that need sleepers and clothing. We also have many older children who need gifts as well, so please remember to bring something for them. For teen girls…clothing, makeup, curling irons, jewelry, etc. are great gifts. For teen boys…gift cards to food places, Target, Walmart, etc. are perfect for them.

You Can Really Brighten a Kid’s Christmas!

Santa To The Sea “The Cause” was produced by Jody Nelson of Nelson Films20